InstaDiet: Pictures the Key to Diet Accountability

My weight and my diet are stuck in a rut. Overall the food I eat is pretty healthy. I’m not perfect, but I think most of it is minimally processed and full of fruits, veggies and whole grains. Most of my protein sources are not meat, although I go back in forth in that regard. My idea is to document my daily diet in photos. Today was the first day and I think it’s helping because it prevented me from eating some tortilla chips after work…I certainly didn’t want to post pictures of that. So here goes…

Day 1: April 17, 2014

1: My day started with a 4:30 am run of 6.5 miles. I had this iced coffee and 1/2 of an overly ripe banana before setting out. I made the coffee the night before with 1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk and a scoop of chocolate whey.

iced coffee

2: Next came my smoothie for breakfast. Into the vitamix went the following: 1/2 banana, baby kale, baby spinach, strawberries, pinapple, flax, chia seeds, cinnamon, PB2, vanilla whey and ice. I brought this to work with me and drank it at my desk.


3: My Mid-morning snack was an apple and mozzarella stick.


4: Lunch was minestrone soup from the cafe and salad. Salad had mixed baby greens, black beans, egg, radish, carrot, edamame and homemade Dijon vinaigrette



(I “stole” 2 onion rings from a friend!)


5: My mid-afternoon snack consisted of roasted red pepper hummus with carrots and celery.


6: Dinner consisted of homemade chicken and shrimp fried rice. Assorted veggies, egg, brown rice, chicken and shrimp. Stir fry the whole thing together with coconut oil, fresh garlic, ginger, soy sauce, and a little sesame oil.
